Virtual Visits

The Safest and Fastest Way To Take Care Of Your Problem If You Are Stuck at Home

Who are Virtual Visits For?

It is best for people who:

  • Are afraid to go to a clinic because of COVID-19
  • Want to get better as soon as possible
  • Recently had surgery, and have limited progress despite doing what you were told
  • Are limited in their everyday activities by their problem
  • Have limited time to get to get assessment and treatment

Does this sound like you?

  • I am really feel stressed out and worried more than I should and I can’t help myself to stay calm
  • Relationship with my spouse, kids or any family member is getting worse and I don’t know what to do anymore
  • I gained a lot of weight despite efforts to keep it in check, and I don’t know what else I should try
  • My blood pressure is getting worse, even though I am taking my pills regularly (or no pills yet)
  • My back pain is getting worse
  • I have difficulties to stand up straight every time I go to stand up from the couch and it takes me 10 steps before I can stand up straight and walk normal
  • My knee pain is worse after walk or run and my stretches are giving me only temporary relief

We are faced with very troubling situation where social distancing is the best option to prevent the spread of COVID-19. People are afraid of going outside, and even more are afraid of getting too close to one another, to avoid getting infected and even worse passing the virus to their loved ones who might be in vulnerable position.

Here in Healthier Living Health Centre, we take this situation very seriously. We were among the first clinics to close the door for in person visits in order to speed up the process of stopping the spreading the virus. Most of our patients switched to virtual visits and are very thankful for the opportunity as they are experiencing great results, despite many of them being very cautious and non-believers that it is possible before they tried it.

What should I do?

If any of the above apply to you, you should definitely consider all your options. Option 1: Continue trying “Wait and see” option a bit longer, just in case, your condition magically starts improving by itself? Or, perhaps, try

Option 2: Use all this extra time you have from not spending the time in the traffic, driving to and from work, to address your issues and make yourself feel better as soon as possible. As you may guess, we advocate Option 2.


1. The truth is, your problem is most likely going to get worse over the next several weeks while you spend more time at home. You, just like anyone else know that a sedentary lifestyle can wreak havoc on our heart and lungs, and can put us at greater risk for various diseases. Not to mention how all of this affects our mental health, relationships and our well being.

2. With “stay at home” orders soon to be lifted, it would be great to be in position to enjoy your freedom, good mood and relationships, go for a bike ride, hike or to a gym, rather than delaying all of that, as you need to first go to the clinic for treatments and help. We are here to help.

If you have any questions, call us, email us, or click on any of the action buttons on our website.